MyLifeOrganized for iPhone - Magic Navigation Button

I would like to tell you about something really special. Something I personally like very much. It is a single navigation button which will help you to navigate in your long outlines. The idea is simple but very powerful. Let me explain.

Notice the new arrow in the toolbar pointing to the left. Very often you would like to know what is the parent of the selected task. When you click this new arrow it will jump directly to the parent of the selected task

The parent of the task Projects that I want to-do was not visible on the screen initially. With a single click you found this parent even in the long outline. But this is not all we have. Click this button again and the selected task will be collapsed showing you its sublings

Why we called this button "magic"? Because it works depending on the current state of the outline and selection. If you select a task and then scroll the outline so that the selection is not visible, the magic arrow will be ready to help you and show where is your selected task in the outline now

On this picture you see that the arrow is now pointing to the location of the selected task. Now if you click the magic navigation button in this state it will find the selected task for you and bring it into the view

Now you can click again to collapse it, find its parent etc.

The Magic Navigation Button is new Pro feature of the application.

I am using this button several days already in the private beta and really-really like how it helps me to navigate in the long outlines! Hope you will like it also :-)