Win FREE Cloud Sync for Your AppStore Review

MyLifeOrganized Today View


1. General

Add your AppStore review on MyLifeOrganized for iPhone or MyLifeOrganized for iPad application. Tell us what you like about new Today view and the application in general. You may also add some information about the features you are using the most and the ones you would like to improve in the application. Each person who writes a review on the AppStore will receive 1-month MyLifeOrganized Cloud Sync subscription for free. Also 5 people will win 1-year Cloud Sync subscription and one person will win 2-year Cloud Sync Subscription.

IMPORTANT: you will receive FREE 1-month subscription and will participate in the contest even if your review is critical. We need to know your honest opinion.

2. How to enter the contest

Download and install MyLifeOrganized for iPhone or MyLifeOrganized for iPad. Use it for some time to understand how it works. Write a review on the AppStore about the Today view and the application. Write us an email about your review according to the instructions here.

3. Prizes

We are offering the following prizes for the contest:

  • 1-month of MyLifeOrganized Cloud Sync subscription to everyone who writes a review and sends us an email about this.
  • 1-year of MyLifeOrganized Cloud Sync subscription to 5 people
  • 2-year of MyLifeOrganized Cloud Sync subscription to 1 person

4. Timing

The contest begins on December 3rd, 2014 and ends on January 3rd, 2015. Only reviews, posted during this period, will be accepted for the contest.

5. How we will select the winners.

We will select the winners randomly from all the participants of the contest, who sent the emails as required.
After selecting the winners we will check that the review still exists on the AppStore.
Each winner will be notified via email and published on our Facebook page (if there is no objection from the winner).

We wish you luck in the contest!

The MyLifeOrganized Team.