Tabs (Workspaces) Customization

On the top of the MLO window there are Tabs (or Workspaces). Workspaces are used to quickly access the settings of the environment in which you work, such as: the current view, advanced filters, focus, highlighted tasks, etc.

Tabs can show different parts of the same data file in different views. For example, in one tab you can work on the current project, in the second - check your shopping list, in the third - process tasks in Inbox. One click to switch between these tabs.

New tab setup

Pinned tabs

Icons for tabs

Tab hotkeys

Set default settings for tab

Lock default settings for tab

New tab setup

When you first opened MLO you definitely noticed tabs Outline and To-Do which correspond to the views All Tasks and Active Actions. Similar to these you can create separate tabs for all your commonly-used views.

To create a new Workspace:

1. Click "+" button in the tabs line;

2. Enter name for the new Workspace

Dependency for multiple tasks

For each workspace you can specify individual settings:

Show view counter on tab

In essence, this is a task counter in the view opened in this tab. This counter will change in the tab depending on the specified filters (context choice, flag, etc.)

Sync selection with first tab

If this option is enabled, then in order to view the task in another view, opened in the first tab, you just:

Sync zoom with first tab

If this setting is enabled, the tab will show only those tasks that fall under the zoom set in the first tab. For example, having set the focus on a folder with the household chores, in the first tab you will see the full list of household chores only, while in the second – the list of active household chores.

If this option is disabled, no focus will affect this tab.

To change or set the necessary tab settings, right-click on it and select “Set up workspace”

Pinned tabs

You can pin the most important tabs. This way you will distinguish them from other tabs and prevent accidental tab closing.

To pin a tab:

1. Right-click on the tab;

2. Select "Pin this tab".

Dependency for multiple tasks

Tip: It's recommended to pin only a few tabs and use icons. These help to distinguish the pinned tabs since their name is not displayed.

Tip: If a tab is pinned or its title is too long, hover over it and you will see a hint with the full title.

Icons for tabs

You can make every tab distinctive by assigning icon. To assign an icon for the tab:

1. Right click on a Workspace tab;

2. From the menu select "Assign icon":

  - Current view icon. The tab icon will be always the same as the icon of the selected view;

  - Custom icon. The selected custom icon will be always visible;

  - No icon. There will be no icon for this tab.

Tab hotkeys

You can quickly switch to the required tab using hotkey. To assign a hotkey for the tab:

1. Right click on a Workspace tab;

2. Select "Assign hotkey" from the menu;

3. Press a hotkey for this tab and click "Assign hotkey".

If this hotkey is already assigned to other operation you will see a warning.

Set default settings for tab

You can set to store a view with particular settings, like zoom and additional filters, as default for a tab. Once the default is set, you can quickly and easily reset the workspace back to its default state.

To set default for a Workspace:

1. Set necessary settings for a Workspace;

2. Right click on the tab name

3. Select "Set as default for this tab" from menu

Now if the settings of the Workspace are changed the tab will be marked with "*" symbol. If you double-click on the tab (or select command "Restore default for this tab") the default setting for the tab will be restored.

Lock default settings for tab

You can go even further and lock the default settings so they cannot be changed for the tab. A new tab is created if you try to change the settings of the locked tab (view, zoom etc).

Why would you need a lock if you already have the default? Even if you want a tab to remain unchanged, it is very easy to change it by mistake and it can be difficult to notice the change. While the tab has a changed view you are liable to make several types of mistakes, like updating the wrong project. If the default provides you all of the functionality that you need, and you don’t make this kind of mistakes, then you don’t need locks, of course.

To lock default for a Workspace:

1. Set necessary settings for a Workspace;

2. Right-click on the tab name

3. Select "Set as default for this tab" from menu

4. Repeat steps 1,2 and select "Lock default in this tab" from menu

Dependency for multiple tasks

One more point to mention

When you select a view inside Workspace or change the filter, you actually change the configuration of the current Workspace. If you click other Workspaces you will see other configuration in it. When you return back to the first Workspace your changes for this Workspace will be still there. If you want to propagate the changes to filtering, sorting and grouping in one Workspace to other Workspaces, you need first save these changes into a View. This way all the Workspaces which are using this View in unchanged state will receive the new settings.